Archive for Tour Dates

“I just want my face in the paper”

Posted in News with tags , , , on 2008/07/16 by youngwonder
Clemens is a big dude but Im guessing the roles will be reversed in the pen

Clemens is a big dude but Im guessing the roles will be reversed in the pen

Welcome to the Wednesday News Roundup. All the news you need to get through the day.

Clemens done fucked up. I’d lie to my moms before I lied to some pissed off vindictive congressmen. By the way isn’t there a war and a receding economy congress should be worrying about?

Nas is doing it big this summer with “The Jones Experience” tour and an appearance on one of my favorite shows, The Colbert Report on July 23. Listed below are the dates for this years tour.

The Washington Post feels the need to tell us what we already know. The economy sucks and energy prices are rising.

Today’s title comes from Eminem’s last good album “The Eminem Show”. The song is “When the Music Stops” featuring D12.

The Nas review will have to be later tonight. Due to certain circumstances that are completely out of my control – I was too fucked up to do anything – I didnt get to listen to the whole thing. Check back for a post tonight though!